About Dr. Vijai K. S. Shukla
Professor, Dr Vijai K. S. Shukla is the Founder and President of Shukla Lipids A/S, Denmark and has been active in food science research since 1969. He has published numerous papers and has authored several books. His research interests have ranged from physical phenomena to mechanisms of autoxidation, isolation of lipids, spectral phenomena related to lipids, modern analytical methodology, and involvement of essential fatty acids in health and diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Batten’s Syndrome.
Research interests
Professor, Dr Vijai K S Shukla is author of nearly 100 original scientific publications, 12 invited review papers, 15 book chapters in the areas of biochemistry, human nutrition, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, enzymology, modern analytical techniques for the separation of lipids and proteins.
Extraordinary achievements
- A R Baldwin Distinguished Service Award (2021)
- Distinguished Scientist Award (2020)
- Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (2018)
- Hindi Rattan Award (2016)
- AOCS’s Fellows Award (2005)
- AOCS’s Stephen S. Chang Award (2002)
- AOCS’s Herbert J. Dutton Award (1996)
Awards and Recognition
- Associate Editor, JAOCS 1992-; Associate Editor, INFORM 1989-97
- Chairman, "Analysis of Lipids" session, at AOCS Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 1986
- Chairman, "General Analytical Topics" session, at AOCS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 1987
- Chairman, "HPLC of Lipids and Proteins", at AOCS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988
- Chairman, International Short Course on "Application of Pulsed NMR Techniques in Food Analysis", Arizona 1988
- Chairman, "HPLC of Triglycerides and Lipids - A Worldwide Perspective", at AOCS Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, 1989
- Chairman, "Analysis - General" session, at AOCS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 1990
- Chairman, AOCS Short Course "HPLC of Lipids" held in Chicago, 1991
- Chairman, "Speciality Fats" for AOCS Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1991